Sunday, April 3, 2011

one, two, three, four!


apparently, we really love pizza. i mean, really love it.
like, love it so much we realized that we actually have four empty pizza boxes 
waiting to be thrown out. from this week alone. it's a little scary. 
to be fair, the thing that happened is...
we ordered pizza last weekend. normal, right?
then, it was $8 pizza day at Whole Foods on tuesday, so...
then on friday, our normal friday night plans fell through, and we 
found ourselves with a night all to ourselves. what did we do? 
Got more pizza at Whole Foods. 
Yesterday, we discovered that after only eating three slices friday night, 
we had accidentally left the whole pizza sitting in the cold oven all night. 
sad! well, we were so sad that we just had to order another pizza. 
and that's the story. 
i have no good explanation for the madness. 

if you could only eat one thing for a week, 
what would it be? 
i choose pizza:)

1 comment:

  1. oooOo i totally agree. i noticed a few weeks ago that i never don't want pizza. i don't eat it that often, but i can't think of a time when i'm actually NOT in the mood for a slice. :)
