Monday, August 15, 2011

bedtime reading

the verdict. 

barry reed's exciting courtroom drama. 
reading it for class and i'm told the movie is good too.
might have stayed up till 2am last night reading it.
tried to explain to jazz (many times) that reading in
bed (at bedtime) has the opposite effect on me as him.
he usually wipes out after 30 minutes. it wakes me up. 
interrupts that precious little 5 minute interval i literally
have to go to sleep in, before my mind wakes up again - 
and keeps me up for hours.
but, it's also testament to how interesting a book is:)
and, after he tried to turn the light off in his sleep at 2am, 
i finally put it down and yes, eventually got to sleep.


  1. reading has that effect on me, too! (AND i'm looking for a good new read--will try this one! thanks :) xo

  2. I'm with Jazz on this one. I always want to read in bed, but afternoon or night, it's a surefire way to doze off!
    P.s. My first issue of B.A. arrived. Yum! Thank you!

  3. Reading has the opposite affect on my sister too...she wakes up. If it's really good I'll read it for the whole night, but few and far between. I usually fall asleep the moment I hit the pillow. I'm enjoying your blog :)
