Saturday, December 31, 2011

the last hurrah

happy new year's everyone!
this year has been amazing and i can't believe it's almost over!
it seems like just yesterday i started this blog.

 in 2011:
and i made snow angels for the first time * lars wore the cone of shame
jazz took me to see peter pan for valentine's day 
we made sandcastles on the beach and celebrated our third anniversary  
i spent my summer (class) watching movies * we discovered how much we ♥ pizza
we moved into a not-apartment and finally had people over for dinner
i also discovered hot yoga and did a friend's wedding (& engagement) photography

i'm so grateful and happy to have had such wonderful blog friends/readers.
all your support and encouragement means a great deal to me,
and i might have given up without it.
so thank you!
 i'm looking forward to celebrating another year, even though
i probably wont be blogging every single day, cause, you know,
it's kind of hard, and right now i'm off to celebrate the new year
with jazz on the lake with no internet for at least 48 hours!
but don't worry, the big fête isn't over!

happy 2012!


  1. I can't believe you blogged every day for a year! That's so awesome and quite an accomplishment! Way to go, and happy 2012 to you and Jazz! :)

  2. Keep up the great work! Thanks for letting us be part of your life this past year. I'll still be checking in so don't remain mum.

  3. Quite an accomplishment blogging every day! And what a fun year you had!

  4. i'm so glad the big fete isn't over :) i have loved having this blog and you as a part of my 2011! and i can't wait to see what 2012 brings. hugs hugs hugs.

  5. Hi, Rebecca! You forgot to mention meeting me! Just kidding ; ). Just wanted to say Happy New Year and let you know that I really enjoy your blog. You're a wonderful writer AND photographer! Also I looked for you on Facebook but can't find you (maybe I'm socially challenged), so find me if you still want to stay in touch.
    Best of luck with everything,
    Scott R. (Atl mag)

  6. haha, how could i have forgotten to mention meeting you scott!? Thanks again and hope you're having a good new year!

  7. Hello Rebecca, I just love your "messy moments" blog that I had to comment ; )

    1. Thank you so much! So sweet of you to say!
