Sunday, December 11, 2011

today is the day

lars turns 2!!!

gosh i can't believe how old my 
baby puppy is. he's still kind of a puppy
to me. this year we actually remembered
his birthday on the day of and even got him
some birthday treats! 
a new chew toy:

 and a special doggie cookie: 

he's pretty much the best. dog. ever. 
he was even so good about the dreaded birthday hat.
we love him.


  1. Happy Birthday, Lars! He is so cute in his birthday hat.

  2. HB, Lars!
    I should show your picture to Pongo, who recently had to suffer some birthday attention. Maybe he will be grateful he was spared a party hat! ;-)

  3. Aw, I think he loves his birthday hat. You're such good doggie parents.
