Monday, July 22, 2013

outside at the beach


that is the crazed call of the 30-year-old pale woman who hasn't been outside since April. truly, my skin last week was so pale i just plum disappeared against a beige wall.

you know, it seems like every time i go to target or ikea — so multiple times this past weekend — i see a baby around my baby's age, happily munching on a pacifier as they recline oh so serenely in their car seat in the shopping cart while their mom goes about their shopping leisure. meanwhile i am frantically bouncing my baby in the bjorn while he looks around in equal eager franticness, just waiting for a bouncing pause to clench his fists and arch his back in shopping frustration. why is this, baby, i ask? why do you not like the shopping? or the carseat? and he just responds with his drooly laugh cry. he has perfected that laugh cry. it makes you want to laugh and cry too.

loverboy asked me tonight what it was like to be a mom. i said it was "pretty cool." and then i changed it to "really cool." it's not always pretty, but it's real. yes, i thought of that zinger of a witticism right there in the moment. i'm also writing this at 2 in the morning because i'm fully planning to take a nap tomorrow morning. and also, no, it's much better than cool.

so, back to the beach! yes! we went to the beach! there was fresh air! and sunshine! and outside! oh my!

i never knew i could appreciate just being outside so much. when we finally got there (hello road trip with a baby who hates his car seat!), i went straight to dip my toes in the ocean for a few minutes. and it was heavenly.

loverboy and i even got to go out for a walk on the beach one night. we watched some solemn fishermen (and fisherwomen) on the pier. it was eerily quiet on that pier. apparently the ten o'clock crowd takes their fishing seriously.

we didn't take enough pictures in my opinion because my camera was acting up in the heat and humidity, but we managed to take a few with our iphones:

cutest little ice cream cart
i found my bliss: beach, donuts, coffee and a book. can i go back now?
it was super smelly here. and also, i saw someone catch a shark. umm umm umm umm!
first night out without baby together...down the beach to the pier...for 30 minutes. 
torturing our baby at the beach
little sailor man. 
yes, i do feel like a movie star in this hat. and no snide comments can take that away from me, loverboy.
my little gnome elf. 
getting lovin' from the cousins
pulled over, watching the rain on our what should have been a 7.5 hour trip that took 12 hours with a screaming baby car ride back home. oh baby. 

and now back to being least i have a tan.

1 comment:

  1. This is Nicole Rodriguez. Thanks for making me feel like I went to the beach...with a baby. Your writing is so refreshing!
