this fall is quickly becoming the time to start new habits and create a healthy lifestyle around this ol' grace house. monday night i began my mission to woo loverboy with the charms of yoga, and i'm giddy to report that he liked it! what with that, the gluten-free diet, and our once a week designated movie day, i almost don't recognize this family. we've even sort of talked about going to bed early! what?? well, let's not get too frisky, you never know how these grand ambitions are going to pan out.
but, as an ode to the beginning of another year (isn't fall the beginning of the year? i was a forever student after all. oh and there's my birthday, so there you have it;), i humbly submit my daily guide to happiness. or, if you prefer, ways to feel good, because happiness, really, is so much bigger (and smaller) than a method, or a list of things to do. don't you think?
still, these are making me happy right now:
1. reading the Bible before bed and time with the Lord in the morning. first of all, this is the most important thing, which is why it's numero uno.
2. am and pm yoga. loverboy and i are using this dvd together in the evenings (really not that good in my opinion). i also like the free classes on this website. and this is a pretty good youtube ashtanga video. do you have a favorite yoga website/dvd we should be using? do spill!
3. more tea, less coffee. starting tomorrow (always starting tomorrow;).
4. less cleaning, more creative projects.
5. such as, a daily writing time.
6. more reading books, no tv watching.
7. more spontaneity on the weekends, less planning. this is always, always better for my expectations. (i feel very proud of our trip to michael's last weekend for nursery projects. loverboy and i didn't even fight over color schemes once!)
8. an earlier bedtime.
9. one handful of trader joe's dark chocolate covered pretzels. two if it's been a very long night;)
10. mom friend dates. even if it's just a phone/google hangout/facetime date.
11. gratitude for this life of mine.
This made me happy. :)