over the weekend we got adventurous and made a few honest-to-goodness-just-for-fun outings to places other than home depot, lowes and the grocery store! i think the first 3 months in this house have been such a long whirlwind of a baby-having-home-having learning curve that i had to remind loverboy when we went out saturday night that it was the first time we'd been out to a restaurant with the baby since my brother's wedding in austin. (costco lunch dates for hotdogs and dog food just don't count.) and as is
our date night tradition, as soon as we got home, i cried. should we just blame it on the postpartum hormones? okay then.
so, photos of our lovely, pre-cry time at
farm burger in decatur en famille. i'm still on the fence but i think they may be better than yeah! burger. although i don't know about that pig burger. gross. livin' in the south...what can you do? also, do you agree there are too many burger places? i do. where are the taco places, yo??
thrilled to be out. can't you tell? ;)
gotta have the blurry food shot.
my big boy is getting too big for his car seat. sniffle.
my man. doesn't he look good with a carseat?
Raging Burrito in Decatur has really good tacos. I love it. You should check it out. :)
Totally random. I used the same car seat for my son and you can remove the inserts as the grow. I think the manual has the pounds listed for what insert can be removed when. (Sorry if you already knew this...) I think we waited till around 18 months before getting a new car seat. Also, my son would always get really hot in his car seat, but removing the inserts when he was bigger helped a bit.