what i love about this photo is how much he seems like a mini-papa, getting ready to bang on the keyboard. and headphones on littles are the cutest thing.
this last week, my wilder was by turns the fussiest monster to have ever awoken from sleep and the sweetest, most adorable thing i've yet encountered. although i started last week thinking that we were heading into the terrible two's early, i've since decided that most of this fussiness is really teething related. it is not easy to have molars come in! i'm constantly amazed at the way he is growing, learning and developing. i love watching him figuring things out and trying to understand what we're saying. and i've realized, it helps a billion if i try equally as hard to understand what he is saying. all those new words and signs sure do help us out when he is desperately trying to communicate his growing list of needs and wants! he still goes berserk when he sees his cracker cup or hears the word cracker. in fact, the past week he's woken up around 5 am twice and both times asked first for "doggie" and second for "cacah." mama, papa, lars, and crackers (and elmo) are the main things on his mind these days, haha. all week long he asks for papa and lars when we are out and about. he is definitely our little pack animal. ;)
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