Friday, March 11, 2016

family restaurant adventure! {a film!}

well we made another little video (you aren't getting sick of them yet are you??;) from our evening out to dinner and dessert in decatur on saturday as a family. if you are subscribed to my youtube channel you might have already seen it. it's a little bit silly. i'm a little bit silly on camera (ugh), but anyways, hope you like it!

we had fun going out on the town, which it seems like we are doing a lot of on weekends these days. it's just so hard to stay home when the weather is being all sorts of wonderful and you have wiggly littles (and wiggly bigs too, let's be honest) at home! i'm not sure if you can tell from the video because i'm pretty sure the most chaotic parts always happen off camera (because obviously no one has an extra hand for a camera when all hands are needed on deck!), but dinner out is always a study in crazy for us. no one wants to sit still. no one wants to eat their dinner. no one wants to be quiet. ;) it's pretty hilarious for me, to be honest. and while i don't usually get to eat most of my meal (hence the to-go box!), it's the best entertainment, and i love it. and also, you never say no to jeni's ice cream. after dessert we stopped into our favorite little bookstore on decatur square, little shop of stories. i've heard they have story times during the week so we need to go one of these days, because it's the cutest little store ever and kid-friendly, which is important these days.

i wish you a weekend full of all your favorite people, ice cream, food and books, too!

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