i feel kind of bad that even though wilder got two tricycles for his birthday last year, he hasn't yet really had a lot of time and opportunity to learn to ride them. our driveway/yard/street is just not the best for this kind of thing, and we always seem to forget to bring them to the park. so a few saturdays ago we took them out in the morning when it was still nice and cool out. of course, after playing on them for a few minutes, both the kids became more interested in running wild and making for whatever was most dangerous/dirty (or at least that's what evie did), haha.
i'm starting to think i shouldn't even get any presents for wilder's birthday next month. what do you guys think? so far we haven't done stellar in the present department, as it seems like most of the time they either don't play with the toys we get or they pretend they are completely different than what they are. our best buy to date is the buckets of plastic pretend fruit we got for wilder's winter gift two winters ago. he's played with them so much and they have even become many different things depending on what he's imagining. so i could probably just get them some dirt and rocks and call it a day, right? ;) seriously though. what are the best imaginative play toys you've seen that can be used for all sorts of things?
what i really wish is that we could just be outside all the time, since that's what they like best. preferably without me having to worry about them running into the street or running away. soooo...a better backyard, then?
it was a really beautiful morning on this day. sometimes my favorite activities of all are the really low-key, low-expectation ones. i think both my kids are usually happier with those anyways. :)
so long coats and hats weather! (i've already said that haven't i? i think it's for real this time though.)

She ate it! Hahhaha... Ours were very uninterested in trikes. The micro mini scooter is another story. They LOVE them. I wish I would have bought it when he turned 2.