on saturday morning when wilder woke up i told him happy birthday, and he got the biggest, excited look on his face as he asked: "who old am me now?" (which he's been asking all week long since we've been telling him he's about to have a birthday). when i told him three he got so excited, ran to his papa and said: "papa, i'm three years old, and this is my friend big teddy. he's three too!" it was the sweetest thing. probably the best part of the day for me.
a little later that morning, a bunch of wilder's friends came over, and we had a garden bug themed birthday party. i have never been the type of person to make such a big to-do of any kind of celebration, mostly because i haven't been one to think far enough ahead, but for some reason i got really excited about this birthday and kind of went all out (for me at least). and i had sooo much fun doing it, i don't even know who i am even more. crafting and diy are so not me. but maybe they are? i don't know, it's confusing. i'll probably never do this again (or maybe i will??), but i seriously loved every minute of it. i have to say that pinterest and one of my friends who took all my food ideas and organized them down to daily to-do lists saved my life on this and made it all totally do-able. if i hadn't had those two things, none of this would have happened! and also my husband who was super helpful and supportive and mowed the grass twice in one week so we could have the party in our overgrown yard. thank you j!
i think the kids' favorite parts were the balloons and the bug hunt we did (j filled a kiddie pool up with dirt and plastic bugs with buckets and shovels). and the cake! haha all of wilder's dessert dreams came true what with the dirt cake, the cookies, the donuts and the lemonade. i'm pretty sure we all had way too much sugar. but that's what birthdays are for, right?!
i'm so glad that so many of his friends came to play. we had such a good morning romping with them in the yard. man this age is so fun. wilder is already telling me he wants another birthday party. ha!
gosh i love this little man so much.

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