on saturday we walked all around the peachtree farmer's market for the first time. evie was snug as a bug in my new baby wrap (in love!), and wilder was over the moon about his salted lemonade popsicle (so good!). and we got little tart bakeshop pastries, which are my hands-down favorite pastries in atlanta. i have been dying to go to a farmer's market ever since spring hit, so basically this was a saturday high five for me.
you guys, i have to tell you about this wrap from my friend's company tuck&bundle (go check it out! you will love it!). i bet you've seen (and maybe tried) something similar to this wrap, but if you're like me, you found that they were always too constricting, hard to put on, and your babies never liked being in them. my babies didn't at least. i think they felt claustrophobic in the tight wrap because the fabric did not give enough. but turns out, not all wraps are created equal! this wrap is not like those wraps. and this fabric! oh my gosh, this fabric is like wearing a soft, cozy t-shirt. it's just like a hug for your baby! it has amazing stretch and yet is strong enough to easily hold my 22-pounder, 15-month-old! genius! evie has always loved being held and that has not changed even if she also wants to get down every five minutes, haha. i have worn her since i brought her home from the hospital (hands free is pretty essential when you have an older kid, amiright?), and so we've gotten a lot of use out of the carriers we have. and i have to say, this wrap is in the top three, at least. whenever i put her in it, she pops her thumb into her mouth and gets all cozy. i think she loves it as much as i do. the best part is that because of the weight distribution, i could have worn her comfortably for even longer than the 45 minutes or so we were walking around the market. yes, it takes a few tries to get acquainted with the wrapping style, but it's so nice and light and therefore easy to put in a bag and bring with you anywhere. i feel like i should add that i'm not getting paid to write this, i just really, really love this baby wrap. if i ever get around to writing a new and improved list of things you need for baby, i would definitely add this to that list.
but anyways, doesn't evie just look so cute when i wear her? i was joking the other day that wearing her is like being pregnant all over again...if i was pregnant with a 22-pound baby, that is. ;) i'm kind of in love with baby-wearing all over again, these days, if you hadn't noticed. i wish i had had these beautiful baby carriers when evie was tiny and i wore her all day long! it is one of the best things about this baby girl, that she loves being held so much. please be kind, time. i want to wear/hold her for months and months and months to come!

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