Friday, January 7, 2011

Boredom Rocks


Today, I want to celebrate something so often underestimated: 
When we are bored, we hate it. And when we aren't, we want to be. Which actually sounds just like everything else in life. But sometimes it seems that we are so busy trying to get from here to there or to find newer, faster ways of doing things (example: Jazz tells me that scientist have managed to teleport information between atoms or photons. woohoo! Now we have something faster than email!). 
It's like we're all scared to death of doing nothing with our lives. Of having them so, gasp, unaccomplished and unfulfilled (as if anything we do is really fulfilling). I know, it's easy to make fun, and here I am in graduate school. I guess I'm saying that I wouldn't mind a little boredom right about now.
 Today, let's celebrate boredom and all those lovely people in Great Britain who have started the Boring Conference!

Today is Old Rock Day - a day to celebrate old rocks. (How à propos, no?)
The internet could not tell me where this holiday comes from, but it exists.
In honor of today's celebration of boredom, let's all go out and look at some old rocks, or start a collection, or you can even just play with a few. I know, the possibilities are endless. Isn't it exciting?

I am going to look at some pictures of rocks from our Vancouver Trip last summer:

"We're all's important to stop all that for a while and see what several hours of being bored really feels like."
- favorite quote from this article 


  1. Oh, this one is good!! I totally appreciate the connection! it!
