Sunday, January 2, 2011

Man's Best Friend - and mine, too

Jazz is sick. But that's not what I'm celebrating today, of course! 
Today, I laud the love of a dog - Lars. 
The other night Jazz and I started laughing about something. Lars came over with this frowny face and we started calling him the laughter police, which made us laugh even more. Oh, and then I fell off the couch and was laughing on the ground. All of this upset Lars very much. Maybe dogs don't know what laughter is? To comfort me, he laid down beside me and put his head on my chest. I just about died. 

Then, this morning, Jazz didn't get out of bed till a very late hour (I won't say how late; I have to preserve some of his dignity:), because he's sick. So Lars stayed on the floor beside him all morning.
Can I just say that the love of a dog is like nothing else? Especially because Lars is cuddly, but only when he wants his belly scratched. He's not like those lapdogs whose only wish is to be with their people. So it's that much more special when he does show his love.

He loves us. 

P.S. that's my bliss face.

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