Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Yukon, ho!

# 5

You know how people used to tell you, "you'll find out when you're older"? 
What I've found out is that most of it's not worth finding out about. 

Today is my first day of Winter Term, and I think I've made a mistake. Turns out I'm NOT ready to come back from break. Well, actually I am, but I'm also a little intimidated by my classes this quarter.
I felt a bit like Calvin in Calvin & Hobbes after he's realized that the two sandwiches he packed may not last as long as he thought, and his toboggan can't travel when there's no snow. Except, I'm making for a graduate degree instead of the Yukon. Perhaps more useful, but also less exciting. 

And so, without further ado, I give you: 

Because, really, is there anything better than reading Calvin & Hobbes in the winter?
I think we should have a national Calvin & Hobbes holiday. And I think that everyone should have a holiday from school and work. 
In fact, I think it should be tomorrow. :)


  1. Okay. But only we can have a Far Side holiday too. That's my favorite.
    PS I read your blog every day. It's not going out into a void.

  2. Thanks Stephanie! I'm so happy to hear I still have readers! And yes, we can have a Far Side holiday too. In fact, the more the merrier! :)

  3. Rebecca, I have been reading and enjoying too! it's Anna Rees =)

  4. Anna! I want to hang out! We need to get together sometime:) I'm pretty busy with school but maybe we can plan something? Are you really busy?

  5. Maybe you should have a Peanuts post ;) I think I still have the Calvin & Hobbes book you gave me years ago... :D

  6. Hey Rebecca, just catching up on your blog today, on our last and final (i'm assuming) snow day for the week. Sorry, i missed your comment. I am starting serving back up once school is back in session and it's busy but there is always time to plan something. stuart and i have wanted to have you guys over for dinner too, so hopefully we can plan that soon!

  7. Jen, every time I see/thinkof/hearabout Peanuts I think of you! I should totally have a peanuts post!
