not letting crazy-car syndrome get you down.
i have this problem with my car: whenever i get inside,
i seem to lose my mind.
par example:
this morning was off to a good start. i battled the bed and won,
took lars for a walk, enjoyed a rare post-rain breeze.
but then, the car started calling my name, and i
wanted to escape our awful no-sunlight cave of a living room.
only i didn't really know where to go.
so, i drove and drove and drove,
and just kept driving,
and driving,
and driving,
unable to decide what to do, or where to go.
as soon as i made my way to one place,
i wouldn't want to be there, so i'd have to get back
in the car and go somewhere else. does anyone else
do this? :o/
lesson learned—i should have stayed here:
Yes! I usually make husband go with me and he thinks it's insane. But sometimes you can't appreciate "here" until you see your other options.