i think i mentioned that traveling with little kids is not exactly easy? but if we were able to just let them run free, sleep and eat wherever/whenever/however they wanted, it would be a breeze! the highlights of their trip were definitely the moments when we let them just run around and be kids. part of me felt really bad whenever we had to put them in the stroller or back in the car to get somewhere, because just look at their faces in these pics! they were so happy running around on the UVA grounds on friday afternoon after evie's nap. i wished we could just spend our whole trip right there, watching them glow:). this is basically evie's idea of heaven — freedom to roam, grass between her toes, and spring sunshine. but then i guess we probably all feel that way, huh? at one point evie just sat down in the grass and went into a little zone. it was so cute. i just love her at this age so, so, so much. and wilder is the biggest sweetheart right now. so inquisitive and learning so quickly and always coming up with something crazy and hilarious to talk about! i honestly can't keep up with him, and i adore his energy so much.
like everywhere we went, our time here was too short. we didn't do much besides see edgar allen poe's old dorm (which is kept behind glass, so cool and strange, right?) and run around a little on the lawn. then we got back in the stroller and went to dinner on the downtown mall. i didn't get any photos of that (mealtimes with kids is where the crazy really is, amiright?!), but we have lots of video footage that we will hopefully make into a little movie soon.

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