the last thing that we did in charlottesville sunday morning before driving to roanoke to visit j's grandparents (and some aunts, uncles, cousins), was stop at jefferson vineyards. we weren't even sure if it would be open, but luckily we got there almost at the same time that they opened. the grounds were beautiful and we would have liked to explore more, but not enough sleep at night for the kiddos coupled with the craziness of getting packed up and checked out of our hotel that morning made for a shorter visit than anticipated. so i just wanted to make sure and add that although i am gushing about this trip and even though the photos maybe make it seem like it was all blissful, trust me, it was a normal family trip. and by normal i mean there were plenty of breakdowns and angry faces sprinkled in with all the good times. ;) like that last photo of wilder with a tear in his eye because he just had had enough with all the picture taking. haha! poor guy. also, we bought two bottles of wine here and then when we were unpacking the car monday night back home in atlanta, i broke one of the bottles + a coffee cup we had bought as a souvenir. so no, it is not all perfection in our life. in case you were wondering. ;)
but part of me believes it would be if we lived in charlottesville. ;) jk!

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