Monday, January 31, 2011

the blues (or greys)


overcast days. 

I have always thought overcast days were my favorite. I don't know why. Maybe I'm an Eeyore at heart. Lately, I've really been missing the heat of summer. But today, the grey skies were a welcome relief. 
Particularly after a (somewhat) sleepless last night. I debated getting back in bed, but I knew that that would just perpetuate the problem so I've stuck it out today, keeping my eyes open, trying to read for class and keep up...and even though I have a major stress headache and still one more class to go, 
I still have something to celebrate. 
i do love the rain. don't you? 

Sunday, January 30, 2011



I think they're underrated. I'm a sucker for a guy in a tie. 
Especially this guy: 

Please ignore the unattractive back porch.  
This is just a temporary stop on the way to a totally awesome living place. Right???

Saturday, January 29, 2011

mon frère


my little brother, Merrill, is visiting us! 

We woke up early (for a Saturday) and made a Mcdonalds run after picking him up.
While eating we discussed how no matter what we know, people will always eat fast food. 
Yes, it's sad. What can you do? 

Friday, January 28, 2011

jazz funk


Jazz-Funk at Churchill Grounds
My classmate, Osayi's, husband Darryl Reeves headlined tonight on the saxophone with a quartet and invited us to see him play. It was awesome. We used to go to this place in Austin called the Elephant Room to hear jazz, but I never enjoyed it cause a. i never knew who it was playing and b. it was WAY too loud in there. Tonight, the music was perfect and beautiful and all the guys were amazing. I think I'll come back as a musician in my next life;)

I forgot to take crowd shots so all these photos were before the place filled up. 
And it did. Cause these guys are amazing.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

I've got sunshine...


The first sunny day in awhile
I wish i could say i spent it outside, frollicking in meadows and soaking up the vitamin D rays.
But that would be a lie. 
What's my excuse? 
I must have one around here somewhere. was too chilly for swimming? No? 
Okay, how about, my dog hates the outdoors? I know, i know. 
Well, let's see....
Oh. right. 
That darn graduate degree i'm trying not to mess up. 
Okay, that's a lie too. The truth is, i spent it inside taking a nap. There. You got me. 

So, in honor of that, content yourself with these pictures 
from (the one sunny day of) our Charleston trip in December:

But it really was a nice day today:)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Idea of America Endures


The State of the Union. 

So, I am by no means politically savvy. In fact, you could say I'm the opposite. But I watched the State of the Union last night, and it really was absorbing and fascinating. Not just for what the President did (and didn't) say or how he said it, but also for all the comments (and even mid-speech tweets) and speeches before, during, and afterwards. Technology really has changed the nature of the public discourse and enabled everyone to participate, which I think is both annoying and awesome. 

favorite quote: 
Every day, families sacrifice to live within their means. They deserve a government that does the same. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

not done


today is opposite day. at least in some circles. 
and so, a little poem from another time: 

On the cusp of night
no one is out - not me or you
across from me
there, in the bottom-falling-out chair. 
There are no stares, not even 
those you give your book;
the silence falling easily
around our non-existence.
There is no pillow round which 
wrap my feet; I haven't
angled them away from you. 
No voices down the street, no 
tires pass, 
no eyes - not mine - have gotten weary,
or see a cat glide through
the pink and green outside the balcony.
And I? I don't sit here within my chair,
refusing not to shiver in the chilled air.
No shadows mark the scene, for
far beyond the ivy there
is not a sky of covered stars, draped
blue and black. 
The reason I can't hear you, nor you me, 
is simple - we don't sit here.
There is no door, no chair, no light, no balcony.
No one stays to witness nighttime

Monday, January 24, 2011

everyday is a good day for a...



 okay, so there is a bunch of really cheesy things online about giving compliments. 
there are even a few to choose from, if you happen to be stuck, 
along with the reminder that "all these compliments start with the same word" (you).
it's all very lame. 
but not the notion. 
and so...

Dear Jazz, you look sexy in your new jeans. 
Dear fellow writing students, you are so intelligent.
Dear bloggers and readers, you inspire me.
Dear Lars, you are too cute. 
Dear family, you are all beautiful, inside and out.
Dear friends, you are the best and i miss you!
Dear yoga mat, you are so cushy. i wish i had time to use you.
Dear coffee, you are my lifesaver.
Dear bed, you are the best thing about my day. 

wow. that really did feel good.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

when i said i wasn't going to cook anymore...i guess i lied.


making tomato basil soup with my love.

today i got a little stressed-out (a very little) about what to celebrate - 
i know! it's only the first month! (and not even the end of the first month). 
But then I realized that even though i don't always have the most exciting life, 
trying to find something to celebrate everyday has really made me enjoy life more. 
it shortens that time where i consider just doing nothing and letting the day fade away. i find myself being more proactive. being kind of back on the cooking wagon, for instance.
you could say that my natural state of being is inertia.
so, this blog is making me less lazy. 
and happier. i really am happier when i do (constructive) things.
although i may have burned my wrist making the soup...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

little szechuan


Chinese takeout! 
We tried out a new Chinese place tonight...okay, the first Chinese place since moving down to our present location. We don't get out much. It's true. 
  The place we went to had tons of good reviews for being very authentic, and while everything had a nice flavor, the tofu could have been better.
Chinese food hasn't been the same since going vegetarian...
but my fortune cookie totally made it worth it!

Friday, January 21, 2011

wood floor love


i love wood floors.
and mid-century/Scandinavian design in general.
Yesterday I got reacquainted with lena corwin's blog and fell in love with her life. or at least her decor and living space. :) it pretty much made my day. it's important to take time out from serious writing and reading to look at pretty pictures. 
where can i find a place like this to live in atlanta? 

all photos by lena corwin

Thursday, January 20, 2011




don't you love naps?
i do. 
it's the waking up part i don't like. 
it's too bad i didn't realize how great naps were back in kindergarten. back then, i thought it was cruel and unusual punishment. oh how i've learned!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

are we there yet?


You know, it's not always easy to like school. I'm sure you've gathered that from all
my escapist posts of late. 
There is always something more to read or write or know about or try to formulate a half-coherent response/opinion/critique on. Beginning is always the hardest part (i think). 
And this week has been like another first week.
But school is good. 
School is challenging. School is rewarding. 
School is full of great people. School is time-consuming (in a good way).

 School makes me smarter. 
So thanks, school. I salute you! 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

i can fly, i can fly, i can fly!


tonight i am celebrating 
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
but not just any ol' Pan, no -
i am celebrating the audio recording of Peter Pan on 
a wonderful website dedicated to recording and making available (for free!) much of the
classical literature which has fallen into the public domain. 

Jazz discovered it when we were going through a Sherlock Holmes phase, 
and also had to drive to Florida. Since then, we've listened to Dracula by Bram Stoker
and part of Peter Pan. 
And while the voices (and questionable acting skills) of some of the volunteer readers can be annoying, 
it's still an amazing discovery 
a wonderful replacement for movies at bedtime -
today in particular, 
I just don't want to grow up. 
i was kinda hoping this snow storm would last all quarter. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

the big 3-0


Jazz turns 30!
Today is obviously a special day. It is the day my love was born, exactly 30 years ago. 
So I baked him 30 of the chocolatiest-chocolatey-chocolate cupcakes (his request!),
with the best chocolate cake recipe ever, topped with 30 candles. 
Then, we wore silly hats and tried to make Lars join the festivity. 
(He doesn't like hats.) 

Happy Birthday 
my love, 
best friend,
cuddle bug,
& handsome husband.

I love you more than spaghetti! ;)

P.S. Happy MLK Jr. Day!