Thursday, February 10, 2011

un parapluie!

girl with umbrella.

in honor of umbrella day (even though it's more like will-it-wont-it-snow-day here in atlanta).
yes, it is an original painting by r. 
a one-of-a-kind. yes, it is my first (real-ish) acrylic painting.
yes, it is from 2009, our first year of marriage, during a more creative than usual period of my life. 
probably somewhat due to having too much time on my hands. 
i wish i had that problem now! 
oh for a day of pure, hand-dirtying playing with paint! 
but, it was also due to much emotional stress, upheaval and craziness. 
so, i don't quite want to be back there exactly. 
i'm not a painter (obviously). 
but, i'll never stop wanting to be: 

P.S. don't you just love saying umbrella in french?


  1. love love love love LOVE. i mean part of that is because i love all things umbrellas. but the rest is because i love the painting :) i feel like i should say more things, but all i keep thinking is love love love :)

  2. it's perfect! love the simplicity and love the bright red against all the hues of gray. makes me want to run out and buy some wellies.

  3. You are a fantastic painter! I love it! And I especially love the red rain boots:)

  4. LOVELY painting. Agree with Esther about the arrangement of colors. plus, i dream of red wellies. totally on my wish list.
