Wednesday, March 2, 2011

...all hail the mighty state

texas independence day. 

despite what you may think, this is the first time i've celebrated Texas Independence Day 
(confession: i never even knew about it).
Because in texas, we already know we're independent. we don't need a specific day to celebrate that. 
also, it's more important to remember the heroics of The Alamo
(even if it's a miserable story about how we didn't win). at least that's what IMAX and
public education thinks. 

if you don't know, Texas declared independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836,
and became The Republic of Texas. 
that's right. texas was a country, once. and many people still live there.
but if you're only impression is by way of Anthony Bourdain's episode "U.S. Southwest,"
rest assured, not all texans are gun-totin', animal-eating, cowboy-boot-wearing rednecks.
(even though i do love my cowboy boots)
but we do all think we're better.  

P.S. yes, travel books were all i could find for the greatest of states. Georgia is weird.


  1. love.

    "if a man is from texas, he'll tell you. if he's not, why embarrass him by asking?" steinbeck.

  2. "many people still live there." love it!
