Monday, August 1, 2011

august already?

it's still summer.

i'm not sure whether to be happy or sad that it's already august.
this summer is going so fast. i feel like i've barely started things, 
but really we're right in the middle. just five more weeks of
summer quarter, then of course fall quarter will be here. i'm 
right at that point in my writing schedule where i'm supposed
to have my nose to the grind (does that sound wrong?).
i'm ready for cooler weather, but i'm also enjoying the slower pace
of my summer schedule. waking up on time is getting harder and harder. 
i am just not a morning person. it's always about 10 at night
when i feel a sudden burst to start cleaning or go run errands
or start homework. but then i think, no it's bedtime, 
i can't start anything. so then, i don't. and then, it's 24 hours
later by the time i have that feeling again. i think it's the curse
of hot weather. (i hope). 

other things this month:
1. finding a house
2. keep up the writing momentum
3. getting up early enough to exercise before it's too hot
4. barbeque outing at stone mountain
5. rereading The Road
6. swimming while it's still hot out

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