Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mr. Clean

cleaning day! 

i'm one of those normal people who likes a clean house. i don't know how i got to be so normal. 
i certainly didn't grow up with a whole lot of chores.
when my mom wanted the house clean we put on some toby pfeifer and did a "blitz" (aka quick clean). 
i have no idea what this involved other than picking up our stuff and maybe sweeping? 
this is not to say i wasn't a helpful child. i remember being very helpful. 

i realize that my compulsion for a clean house (every week!) is liable to change if and when we have children.
but, since these helpers have not arrived, i revel in making jazz take a break from his video games 
every once in a while. harsh, i know.

so, sundays in our house, this is our schedule: 
perpetually late to meet with other Christians, grocery shopping, 
afternoon nap, cleaning, laundry, and sometimes cooking:

and when we're not cleaning, we also like to take our private private pilot's licenses out for a whirl, run our daily ten miles, host dinner parties, for which we cook from Bon Appetit, attend art gallery openings (for our dear friend, the artist), and swirl wine in our goblets. 

P.S. for the record, jazz is a very good cleaning slave, er buddy.


  1. LOL i LOVE this post. one of my faves. so so so fun. i mean the post. probably not the cleaning :p

  2. thank you nicole! seriously, that means so much!

  3. Lol about the Toby Pfeiffer cleaning blitz!

    I'm with you, I ,Ike to start Monday with a clean house.

  4. I used to like cleaning---until I got married (my husband doesn't really help clean which results in me cleaning up my mess AND his. boo!), went to grad school, and had a child. Now I stick to weekly necessities such as meal planning + grocery shopping, laundry (including ironing for me and the little one), and that's it. Let's not discuss the state of our bathrooms and floors.

  5. R., your Sunday's sound remarkably similar to ours. And our childhood cleaning memories sound eerily similar as well. Love this post!

  6. hahaha, i had to stick the toby in...i knew some people could relate. Stephanie, i cant imagine having a child while im in grad school, let alone meal-planning in the midst of that. you are my hero already for being a mom...and i have a feeling that most husbands are programmed not to see mess in "the nest." something about their evolution not having caught up to ours (jk), which is why my husband spends so much time shooting the little talking people in his video games. er, right? :)

  7. Wonderful post. We often have those BLITZes in our apt as well. :)
