Monday, February 21, 2011

life in Finland

these photographs. 

i know it's a little strange when i celebrate other people's blogs, but
i really can't help loving this blog so much. 
Liivia's photos are what made me want to start a blog in the first place
and also got me through some long days as a temp at a children's advocacy center,
where i'm pretty sure my job was to guard three 1980s-era computers - 
there was one employee in the process of hiring two others, 
and some days there was just me.
i may have answered the phone twice in a month of eight-hour days.

anyways, i constantly find myself asking why these pictures of mostly normal
things are so lovely. is it Finland? the landscape? her camera? the lighting?
i think maybe it's the fact that it's all of the above. 
but, there's no denying her artistic creativity, and her photos always inspire
and challenge me to take better photos myself, 
even with the ugly, American, no-good, very poorly lit situations i am faced with.

and so, without further ado, i give you some of my recent favorite photos from VIA

now doesn't that just make you want to go outside and take some pictures? 


  1. yes, they do. I love the lighting in the photos. What type of camera does she use?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I don't know! I have studied all of the self-portraits she has posted on her blog, but the camera is always too blurry for me to make out the name on it...maybe you can figure it out? :)
    I will say though that I have a good camera, so I know it's not just the camera. She has a good eye, good light, good decor, etc.!
