Friday, July 1, 2011

mail, mail, something in the mail!

the big six! (months)

as you know —or maybe you don't — this blog is about celebrating something everyday.
 the last six months have been challenging and very, very inspiring. most of all, 
i've learned that happiness, at least some kinds of happiness, must be worked for, earned,
sought out. it doesn't just grab you by the ears and waltz you down the stairs.
it must be found. and for me, it's usually found in the little things. 

i've also discovered that i celebrate food, writing, reading and photography a lot.
so, in honor of six months of celebrating, i'm giving away a one-year magazine subscription 
to one of these very nice publications: poets&writers, bon appetit, or garden&gun. 
all of them have been sources of inspiration for my daily fêtes, as well as being personal favorites.
i'd also love to hear about some of your favorites, especially if they are specialty magazines. 
such as, maybe you have a favorite photography magazine?

For a chance to win, leave a comment here telling me what your favorite magazine is and why.
You have until the end of Tuesday, July 5th. I'll announce the lucky winner 
(decided by random number generator) on Wednesday! 

Thanks for playing, I love you guys!

another photo from our beach trip:)


  1. I like Family Fun for inspiration, Everyday Food for reliably good recipes, Real Simple for th aesthetic, and Outside for the stellar writing. Sorry, can't pick just one!

  2. My current favourite is elephant magazine. It's fairly new. It's an amazing magazine featuring many talented artists from all over the world with well written articles on current art and design topics. Best of all, It's very good quality printing and page layout. The only subscribed magazine in my coffee shop!

  3. My favorite magazine is Real Simple. I love the amazing photography, the layout, the ease of readability, the clever ideas, the delicious recipes. It's basically an all-inclusive mag.

  4. p.s. thanks for sharing your celebrations with us. Keep spinning your silk :)

  5. OOo i think i just missed it! But in all good fun, I'll list my favs anyways:
    I love Cooks Illustrated. it's clean and detailed.
    Real Simple rocks too... Love their cover art. Have dubbed some for future painting projects.

  6. Em, I think you just made it!
